Trams and LRV


Power converters, as the name implies, are used to convert direct current to alternating current, or vice versa. Their use in many types of tram and subway car is crucial because many devices, such as lighting equipment, are incompatible with the power supply network. Railway rolling stock converters are also important in the context of safety, as they reduce the voltage of the overhead contact line to a safe level. The railway rolling stock converters produced by Enika, apart from their reliability and high quality of manufacture, are also characterized by their rugged casings, which provide suitable protection from various environmental factors, including high humidity. The range of railway rolling stock converters are intended to suit the most popular rail vehicles, as well as those more modern or less popular.

ENI-PTC750/24 Converter

The ENI-PTC/750/24 converter is intended as a 24 VDC and sine-wave 3 x 400 VAC, 50 Hz power supply for auxiliary lines in tram cars.


Trams and LRV

ENI-PT600/24/AC/50 Converter

The ENI-PT600/24/AC/50 static converter is intended as a 3 x 400 VAC, 50 Hz and 24 VDC power supply for auxiliary systems in low-floor trams.


ENI- PT600/24/AC/EL3 Converter

The ENI-PT600/24/AC/EL converter is intended as a 3 x 400 VAC and 24 VDC power supply for auxiliary systems in low-floor trams.


Trams and LRV

ENI- PT600/24/AC/2×30 Converter

The ENI-PT600/24/AC/2×30 static converter is intended as a 24 VDC and sine-wave 3 x 400 VAC, 50 Hz power supply for auxiliary lines in tram cars. The converter features two (2) separate 3 x 400 VAC power outputs, each rated at 30 kVA.


Trams and LRV

PROJECTS Alstom 116 Nd
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