Article: Static converters – essential equipment of modern railway infrastructure.
The modern railway, and in particular its entire infrastructure, is powered by electricity. The railway infrastructure devices must be provided with energy supply to individual circuits in such a way that the railway devices powered by electricity can operate in an uninterrupted manner. The risk of a failure resulting in a long-term lack of power supply is relatively high and constitutes a real threat in every energy system.
In order for electricity with appropriate parameters to be delivered continuously and uninterruptedly to all installed receivers, it is necessary to use emergency power supply based on dedicated static converters. Converters for powering railway systems, manufactured by ENIKA, are devices that not only adjust the current and voltage parameters to the values required by the receivers, but also guarantee the safety of the entire system, which to some extent protect against the effects of overvoltages or short circuits.
In order to ensure the continuity of operation of railway infrastructure devices, ENIKA offers a static converter of the ENI-PSZ3000-26/AC-DC type, which is dedicated to powering trackside devices.
More about the project in the article.
Materials and photos: Enika Sp. z o. o.