From today, Home office at ENIKA!
Dear Collaborators and Customers,
On 13.03.2020 based on art. 3 of the Act of March 2, 2020 on special solutions related to the prevention, counteraction and eradication of COVID-19 and other infectious diseases and crisis situations caused by them, the Management Board of Enika decided to delegate most employees to work at home, until further notice.
The decision was made for the concern of the health of employees, customers, suppliers and all other people cooperating with Enika. The company will make every effort to ensure that the current crisis situation does not interrupt the performance of current tasks.
💻 Employees are available online by their email addresses and mobile phones.
We hope that the actions taken will reduce the risk of possible spread of the virus among our employees and contractors, whose health and the health of their loved ones is the most important in these difficult days.
We wish us all health and a return to the normality as soon as possible.
The Management Board and employees of ENIKA